放完桿子 會套小珠珠
外婆說 我認真低頭的模樣看起來跟爸爸好像
坐貓纜上山走走 累死ㄚ姨了 因為她要一路抱小朋友走下山
還去鼎泰豐吃吃看 Leo吃了不少蒸餃的皮跟雞湯!!
大家都說我很乖 像個小紳士
我已經會自己用湯匙吃布丁 不用媽媽餵
回到台灣後 我半夜或睡醒時會咳嗽
果然 我只吃一天就不咳了
媽媽說吃完病好才可以去溜滑梯 看小動物
我好久沒有看到公園的松鼠跟鴨子 好想他們喔
要等不下雨 媽媽就可以推我去動物園跑步
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line baking sheet with foil of parchment paper. In a large bowl, place ground meat, herbs, egg, bread crumbs, cheese, ketchup, garlic, and onion. Grate carrot and zucchini (with cheese grater) into bowl. In food processor, chop red pepper into very small pieces, add to bowl. Again, in food processor, pulse peas until they burst into small pieces, add to bowl. Mix all ingredients together, as you would for meatloaf. Roll into bite-sized balls and place on baking sheet, about 1 inch apart. Bake 10 minutes or until cooked through.
Serve alone, with veggies, in pastas, in soups, on sandwich rolls, atop pizza or salads, or as a part of your favorite dish
吸 入性肺炎常會發燒、咳嗽、喘、呼吸加快、呼吸急迫,更嚴重時,孩子可出現肋骨凹陷、胸骨上端凹陷等喘鳴症狀。因肺部分泌物增加,以致水泡特別明顯,痰液也 很多,異物的清除仍以氣管鏡為主,但異物引起的續發性感染,仍以抗生素及胸腔物理治療為主。如:噴霧、拍背扣痰姿勢引流多補充水分,使痰液可稀釋、溶解, 減少發炎的機會,以便盡早治療。
How to raise a readerby Mary VanClayReviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board Last updated: June 2006 | |
Pasta Chicken Stew
2 cups sodium-free chicken broth (try a homemade stock)
1/2 cup elbow or ditalini pasta
1/2 cubed chicken breast
1/4 cup of frozen peas
3 tablespoons chopped onion
Add chicken broth to a medium sized saucepan and bring to a boil.
Add pasta, chicken, peas and onion
Turn heat to low and simmer until the chicken is cooked and tender
Puree or mash the stew as needed for your baby's texture preference.
Serve warm, adding a sprinkle of cheese if desired
Bring your little one (3 to 14 months) to play and experience a wide range of age appropriate activities including singing, reading, rhyming, movement, and finger plays that will delight them for years to come. Baby Play will be a multi-sensory experience for you and your infant/toddler. Enjoy the company of other new moms, dads, and caregivers and feel free to BYOC (bring your own coffee!)
Bring your toddler on the last Wednesday of each month and enjoy stories, songs, and themed activities. Each month we will gather to read a selection from the PJ Library and then get crafty based on a theme from the book or an upcoming holiday!
Tu B'Shevat Poster (pdf)
Your little one will be amazed as we transform the JCC's atrium into a forest. Learn about trees, create felt nature scenes, build tall towers with building materials made from trees, learn about the holiday of Tu B'Shevat, create tree themed crafts, and even enjoy making and eating a tree-treat! Join My Baby and Me and ECDC for a morning of play, exploration and Jewish learning.
Pull out your old toys and books, wash those little sweaters, and drag the exer-saucer out from the corner. Bring all of your unused baby items to the JCC to sell to other families who are looking for what you may have OR come and shop for gently used baby items. Only items that are in good condition and are designed for children ages 4 and under will be accepted. Anyone interested in selling items at the flea market must REGISTER in advance with Miriam no later than February 12. The JCC is not responsible for any items that are sold at the flea market.
Join us for a party any Queen or King would be honored to attend. We will re-tell the Purim story, read some PJ Library books, eat some royal snacks and create some truly out-of this era crafts! Come in costume.
Allen, Joy Baby Signs: A Baby-sized Guide to Speaking with Sign Language This cheerful collection of basic signs illustrated with bright, simple pictures will encourage communication between babies and their parents while entertaining both readers and listeners. | |
Rescek, Sanja. Illustrated by Rescek, Sanja Calm & Soothe Sweet pictures and clear instructions accompany simple rhymes and lullabies, perfect for sharing with beloved babies. | |
Dodd, Emma Just Like You A gentle reminder that adults serve as role models for their young children, this charming book catalogs the strengths that a young bear admires in his parents. | |
Fox, Mem Illustrated by Helen Oxenbury Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes Adorable infants smile, wiggle and play across the pages of this delightly book about the ways that babies from all over the world are different--and alike. | |
Garcia, Emma Toot Toot Beep Beep Cars, trucks and vans of various colors and shapes speed, chug and glide through this imaginative look at a perennially popular topic. | |
Hines, Anna Grossnickle 1, 2, Buckle My Shoe Beautiful quilted pictures accompany this old familiar rhyme and offer buttons to count, shapes to discover and even a simple story to follow. | |
Isadora, Rachel Peekaboo Bedtime Peekaboo is the perfect game for bedtime as this cheerful toddler demonstrates with the help of parents, grandparents and even pets. | |
Reiser, Lynn You and Me, Baby Engaging photos of babies and their parents illuminate the fun to be found in everyday activities. | |
Sirett, Dawn All About Me! Sturdy flaps flip up, down and sideways to reveal babies and toddlers in a variety of poses. | |
Snyder, Betsy E. Haiku Baby Brief, imaginative poems are matched with cheerful illustrations to celebrate the natural world and introduce young listeners to poetic images. |